Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Rally of the Big "T"

Disclaimer: Everything in this post is factual, except for the parts that aren't..

Nowadays, students are becoming more aggressive. They seem to complain about almost everything. Sometimes, I even see students rioting in a rally, shouting, walking with vulgar banners, and sometimes even naked. It kept me bothered as to why some would do this (I actually thought of things like that myself). I thought students are supposed to be educated individuals? Shouldn't they at least act more decent? These questions kept rumbling in my mind as I drink my ever favorite *mocha frappe venti at my equally favorite "tambayan". After seconds of discerning (well, that was all it took for me to think), I suddenly realized why some students acted that way. Surprisingly, I feel for them. Maybe (a theory of my own), it was because of the severely disliked, highly over rated ordeals that every student must face. Those sleepless nights keep you groggy for the day and the pimple marks keep the girls away (OUCH!). It's those 8x11 (or sometimes 8x13) menace that crack our minds as if we needed exorcism. Do you know what it is? It's a 5 letter word which can be spelled as I-N-S-A-N-E.

What drives students crazy?



OK, so much for an introduction (haha!). Now to the serious part. No matter how morbid my conception about tests is, there are still some (very few if I might add, hehe..) that prove to be beneficial to everyone. Let me give you 2 ironies that could help in discussing this.

IRONY #1: TESTS could help your STRESS.

By this time, you should have read my previous post so as to catch up. Cortisols, being produced upon stimulation of the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) is increased in times when we get stressed. Abnormally high and low values of these are detrimental to an individual.

If your doctor suspects high levels of these in your body, he may ask you to take a TEST. Worry not, 'cause this isn't as stressful as taking your CLINICAL CHEMISTRY MAJOR EXAM. First, you are asked to take the cortisol enzyme test which is usually verified through Radioimmunoassay (clickable link #1, hehe..). The specimen is usually blood (serum or plasma) drawn at 8am and 4pm, (for marked cortisol increase) and a single 8am specimen (for marked decrease). If you're results are unsatisfactory, then the doctor would advise you to proceed with either of these 2 tests:

1. Dexamethasone Suppression (if marked increase)
In here, you are given an oral synthetic glucocorticoid (dexamethasone) which suppresses ACTH production. Usually, if the cortisol production would decrease after this, the problem lies on the pituitary gland. (clickable link #2)

2. ACTH stimulation (if marked drop)
You are injected with synthetic ACTH in this test. If your cortisol level will rise, then it means your passed (normal).

Every test has its passing grade (so much for those demanding quotas). For this test, the passing rates are:
8am-noon: 138-690 nmol/L
8pm-8am: 0-276 nmol/L

If you're interested in applying for this test, know the details here (clickable link #3).

IRONY #2: TESTS could tell if you're DRAINED.

Aldosterones are hormones which greatly affect hydration. For testing this hormone, there are certain instructions to be followed (like those mind twisting instructions before tests). You will be advised to lie down or sit in an upright position for 15-30 minutes prior to blood collection. Oh! And also you are not allowed to intake licorice for at least 2 weeks before the test (this may falsely decrease the hormone). Then, plasma (or serum) is prepared and subjected to RIA too.

Passing scores:
for lying: 55-250 pmo/L
for upright: 2-5x the value of the lying

For a the details of the test, check this out.

A video of the aldosterone action:

Phew (again)! Too much testing really gives me headaches. Well, at least now we could think twice as to whether we should rally to the streets when we hear the word TEST. Hope you enjoyed! = }

The first one to perceive these figures the same as I do (facts of life) 
is in for a treat*. Same drink, Same place. = }